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By: Kurt Hamilton.  Most used business research database  Provides more than 2300 journals, including more than 1100 peer-reviewed titles.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Kurt Hamilton.  Most used business research database  Provides more than 2300 journals, including more than 1100 peer-reviewed titles."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Kurt Hamilton

2  Most used business research database  Provides more than 2300 journals, including more than 1100 peer-reviewed titles.

3  Includes fields such as marketing, management, accounting, finance, and economics  Also includes features that are not as common such as MIS and POM (Management Information Systems and Program Objectives Memorandum)

4  This database has text that dates back to 1821  This databases started offering cited references books back to 1998  The publication tab on the side of the search goes back to 1821

5  Provides two options for searching one through an EPSCOHOST format and also one that is similar but has different settings  This database just uses the same format of EPSCOHOST which allows you to have a basic search or an advanced search  Gives you a browse option off to the side that has quick links to some of the fields of business

6  Offers a variety of different search fields some being Author, People, and ISBN Number  You can also select a specific field for each of the boolean operators

7  The limiters in the database are used to help narrow your text for more accurate results  Some types of limiters Business Source Premier uses are full text, peer-reviewed, and references  Expanders in the database are used to search extra terms outside the current search  An example of an expander in this database would be, also search within the full text of articles

8  This does offer boolean operations with the simple commands of and, not, and or  Offers them in the same way that the rest of the EBSCO Host databases  Uses Parentheses when grouping boolean operators

9  The subject category tabs are on the side to enhance the results to offer more options related to your topic  An example of this is when I typed in stock market and then it would also offer united states, or economic aspects  This tab is located on the side of the screen when you are searching.

10  You can limit the database to produce only full text articles to have more accurate results  Also a lot of articles offer PDF full text which allows the graphs and timelines go through

11  Offers both HTML and PDF options in the articles  Most articles that appeared when I searched my topic appeared to be PDF over HTML

12  Has an advanced tab that’s only for Business Source Premier that allows to search under a different window than EPSCOHOST  Also provides company profiles, country reports, industry profiles, and market research reports in an extra tab that none of the other EBSCO Host databases have


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