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Writing for Change Dannelle D. Stevens, Ph.D., Portland State University Presentation for Texas A & M October 12, 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for Change Dannelle D. Stevens, Ph.D., Portland State University Presentation for Texas A & M October 12, 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for Change Dannelle D. Stevens, Ph.D., Portland State University Presentation for Texas A & M October 12, 2012 1

2 A veteran journal keeper O “When I want to know what I really think, I write in my journal. It is more than a mirror. It does not reflect me. It is an evolving me: it is an organic process; it is discovery work. O Writing in my journal changes me. I am growing and I am evolving as I write.” O Barbara 2

3 A new journal keeper O “My journal has become a symbol of independence. It allows me the luxury of time to myself. My family would consider journal writing self-absorbent, selfish and a waste of time. I had to overcome and reframe this mindset. It was a slow process to change my attitude… I found that writing in my journal gave me justification to spend time focusing, venting or thinking metacognitively. The professor said it well when she said, “writing is thinking.” O Laura 3

4 Objectives O To connect the power of writing with the power of reflection for personal change O To show how journal writing can propel change O To practice some strategies for change 4

5 Challenges O Tell me some of the personal challenges that students experience.. 5

6 Three Elements Reflective Writing for Growth Power of Reflection Benefits of Metacognition Benefits for Health 6

7 Power of Reflection O JK book, p. 37, Barbara quote O Objectifies experience O Deepens understanding O Promotes identity development 7

8 Metacognition O Think about thinking O Invite perspective- taking O Develop repertoire of strategies O Log of experiences to reflect on O Linked to success 8

9 Doorway to Health O Significant health benefits O Decreases stress O Offers safety O Write about traumatic events O Explore alternatives 9

10 Journal Keeping O Reflect in writing O Affirms growth O Documents growth O Fosters creativity O Becomes lifetime tool 10

11 An activity: Dialogue O Whom can you dialogue with? O What can you dialogue with? O Why dialogue? O Answer after activity. 11

12 Activity: Secret Selves O List 5 secret selves… O e. g. Marilyn the messy O Peggy the perfectionist O Judy the judge O Dianne the devilish O Suzie the studious 12

13 Dialogue O Write a dialogue with one of your secret selves. Use pattern below. O 10 minutes O D: Hello, Madeline the messy O MM: Hi, Dannelle, well, you discovered me. O D: Yep, I kick you out when I have visitors but, you are…. 13

14 Activity: Listing O Listing: What lists do we have? O Quote from Rainer, p. 85, JK book O List: O The things that bug me… O The things I am grateful for… O The things I am proud of… O The things I do well…. Etc., etc. 14

15 How to keep a journal O Bound copy O Private: Can photocopy pages for reflections O Two-columns O Pages numbered O Table of contents O Front and back O Remember archival! 15

16 How to get students to keep a journal 16 O Must be taught! how to reflect need to practice Must be integral with your contacts Must be modeled

17 A final thought… O Reflection with Metacognition with Health Benefits leads to powerful personal change O Thank you….. 17

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