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“Come Lord” Words and Music by Fred F. McKinnon Verse 1: Come fill this place. Come fill this place. Come fill this place, Holy Father. (repeat) ©1997,

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Presentation on theme: "“Come Lord” Words and Music by Fred F. McKinnon Verse 1: Come fill this place. Come fill this place. Come fill this place, Holy Father. (repeat) ©1997,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Come Lord” Words and Music by Fred F. McKinnon Verse 1: Come fill this place. Come fill this place. Come fill this place, Holy Father. (repeat) ©1997, Christian Renewal Publishing CCLI License #

2 Verse 2 We will embrace. We will embrace. We will embrace You, Father. (repeat) ©1997, Christian Renewal Publishing CCLI License #

3 Chorus: For You are worthy of all praise. And it’s to You our hands we raise. Father, You’re welcome in this place. You’re welcome in this place. You’re welcome in this place. ©1997, Christian Renewal Publishing CCLI License #

4 Ending: Come Lord. Come Lord. (repeat) ©1997, Christian Renewal Publishing CCLI License #

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