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1929-1939.  12.5 – 15 million unemployed by 1932  Unemployment rate hits 25% by 1932  1/6 of the unemployed out of work for 2 yrs  Family.

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1 1929-1939








9  12.5 – 15 million unemployed by 1932  Unemployment rate hits 25% by 1932  1/6 of the unemployed out of work for 2 yrs  Family income $1500/yr. (1932)  Reduction in marriages and birthrates  1/6 of families “doubled up” to save expenses

10  Lifestyles changed due to the depression  Planting gardens  Canning foods  Making clothes  Baking bread  Second jobs (mowing lawns, baby sitting, collecting bottles ‘2 cents’ returns)

11  70% of Chicago’s blacks made less than $1000/yr.  1/3 earned less than $500  Fatherless homes due to unemployment rates and desertions grows  African-Americans were “last hired and first fired” when times got tough.

12  1932 Bonus Army marches on Washington DC  Hoover administration keeps saying, “prosperity is right around the corner”  Hoover’s “rugged individualists” of ‘28 were now “ragged individualists” in ‘32  The people wanted a “New Deal” and soon so they turned to FDR.

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