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MUSIC 1010 Semester Presentation. Born May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany German composer, conductor, and theatre director.

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Presentation on theme: "MUSIC 1010 Semester Presentation. Born May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany German composer, conductor, and theatre director."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUSIC 1010 Semester Presentation

2 Born May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany German composer, conductor, and theatre director

3 WAGNER Unique in the fact that not only did he write the music for his stage works, he also wrote the text for them Controversial figure during his lifetime

4 The 9 th child born in his family GROWING UP His father died 6 months after his birth As a young boy, he did now show any natural ability in music

5 Wagner saw Beethoven’s 7 th and 9 th symphony in 1828 BEETHOVEN Ludwig von Beethoven, also a German composer, became a major inspiration for Wagner

6 Gave Wagner composition lessons in 1831 Was so impressed by Wagner’s music ability that he refused payment for the lessons. THEODORE WEINLIG

7 Wagner’s first complete opera DIE FEEN (THE FAIRIES) This piece went unproduced until half a century later in 1883, shortly after Wagner’s death

8 LISTENING GUIDE WAGNER’S DIE FEEN: A VISUAL PASTICCIO (ACT 1, PART 1 OF 8) 0:00 This song starts out adagio with a mellow melody played by the woodwinds and strings which ascends and moves to a short flute solo. A trumpet picks up the solo with accompaniment by the strings. Woodwinds then take over the melody with brass accompaniment. 1:10 The tempo then picks up and gradually increases in volume and is repeated. A combination of brass, strings, and woodwinds take over in an ascending and then descending melody. 1:50 Soprano and alto vocals enter with accompaniment by woodwinds which continues through the short vocal breaks. Throughout this section, both the vocals and accompaniment ascend and descend simultaneously. 3:17 There is a bridge with a trumpet taking over the melody with string accompaniment. This is repeated twice. 3:55 The song enters with the vocals fading out followed shortly by instrument fade out.

9 Married Wagner in 1834 CHRISTINE WILHELMINE “MINNA” PLANER She was one of the leading ladies in his failed opera Das Liebesverbot Divorced in 1862

10 Because of Wagner’s anti-Semitism, he became the favorite of Adolf Hitler’s composers in the 20 th century ADOLF HITLER Hitler often had Wagner’s music performed at party rallies and functions

11 Referred to as The Ring Cycle THE RING OF THE NIBELUNG A cycle of four epic operas World premier August 13, 1876

12 LISTENING GUIDE RICHARD WAGNER-OVERTURES-9. DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN-3. SIEGFRIED 0:00 This piece begins with a low and fast drum beat entrance for a few bars before the brass then enters with a low and dark melody. 0:50 Low brass picks up the grave melody which is played forte. 1:32 A low fast drum beat takes over, slows, and ends. Low woodwinds start with a continued trill along with low drum beats, the volume and drum beats then increase dramatically. 2:37 Low brass comes in with the dark melody with a crescendo volume. 3:30 There are two forte trill notes from the orchestra. 3:39 A clarinet solo enters with a low accompaniment, both crescendo then dramatically lowers. 4:15 There is a short trumpet solo then a build up of the tempo and melody by the strings.

13 Wagner met her in 1852 MATHILDE WESENDONCK Was one of the sources of Wagner’s inspiration to write Tristan and Isolde

14 Was a fan of Wagner’s work KING LUDWIG II In 1862, he discharged Wagner’s debts and financially supported him Funded the construction of Wagner’s opera house

15 Composed between 1857 and 1859 TRISTAN AND ISOLDE Premiered on June 10, 1865 in Munich, Germany Was a reflection of Wagner’s personal life

16 LISTENING GUIDE WAGNER: ISOLDES LIEBESTOD/RATTLE: BERLINER PHILHARMONIKER 0:00 The piece begins with consonance, a gentle flowing melody by the winds, strings, and the distinct sound of a harp. The oboe and flute have a short solo accompanied by the strings. 0:55 The brass then enters with a melody in which the volume rises and falls dramatically three times with a presto drum roll throughout. 1:22 Woodwinds, strings, and brass pick up with a peaceful melody which then increases in volume and suspense, then ends with a drum roll. 2:18 The full orchestra enters playing loudly with strings and woodwinds taking the melody accompanied by steady and fast drum beats. 2:44 Short flute and oboe solo, the brass comes in with one forte note, and the song fades out with the harp.

17 Married Wagner on August 25, 1870 COSIMA VAN BULOW WAGNER Had 3 children with Wagner

18 First performed Christmas morning December 25, 1870 SIEGFRIED IDYLL Was a birthday present to second wife Cosima

19 The foundation was laid for the construction on May 22, 1872 BAYREUTH FESTSPIELHAUS Designed by Wagner Opened in 1876 The venue for the annual Bayreuth Festival

20 The last completed opera by Wagner PARSIFAL Premiered on July 26, 1882 in the Festspielhaus

21 The final resting place of Richard Wagner VILLA WAHNFRIED Wagner died of a heart attack while vacationing in Venice, Italy on February 13, 1883

22 1813-1883

23 WORKS CITED A+E Networks. (2013). People. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from wagner-9521202 wagner-9521202 Shelokhonov, S. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2013, from THE GROVE CONCISE DICTIONARY OF MUSIC. (n.d.). Education. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from

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