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QCD: The Experimental Program at UIUC QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015 Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, Illinois (I) Introduction (II)

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Presentation on theme: "QCD: The Experimental Program at UIUC QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015 Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, Illinois (I) Introduction (II)"— Presentation transcript:

1 QCD: The Experimental Program at UIUC QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015 Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, Illinois (I) Introduction (II) Physics Overview Free Nucleon: Flavor Structure and 3 D Structure Quark and Gluon Structure of Nucleons bound in Nuclei De-confined Quark Matter (III) Synergy between Experiments in Experimental Techniques

2 Strong Interaction Challenge QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015 Two unique states of matter of fundamental importance in nature: (1) de-confined quark gluon matter (2) Quark and gluon matter in the early universe re-created confined in hadrons in heavy ion collisions Both systems are relativistic and strongly coupled ! Can we calculate properties ab initio QCD in non-perturbative regime? Can we gain insight in these states at an intuitive level?

3 Measurement of Strong Interaction Phenomena and Connection with QCD QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015 Often complementary measurements required for the interpretation of the data: SIDIS Collins: HERMES-Makins Jlab E06-010-Peng e+e- Collins: Belle-Perdekamp Jet Modification in QGP Jets in A-A: ATLAS+ sPHENIX-Sickles Nuclear effects in nucleon Structure: SeaQuest+ COMPASS-Peng&Makins ATLAS-Perdekamp Jets in p-A: ATLAS-Sickles

4 Nucleon Sea: Flavor Asymmetry SeaQuest-Makins&Peng Spin averaged in DY atHelicity dependent in W-production at PHENIX-Perdekamp Synergy: (1) input from Peng on physics simulations (2) suggestions for additional measurements: Peng, Yang and Perdekamp, Phys.Lett. B680 (2009) 231-234 (3) ECT workshop on “Flavor Structure of the Nucleon Sea,” July 2013 (4) Visitors interesting to both sides. QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015

5 Nucleon Sea: Gluon Spin, Δg(x) Measurement of A LL PHENIX-Perdekamp Synergy: (1) Discussion of experimental PID between HERMES and Belle students (2) Indiana-Illinois Fragmentation Function Workshop in 2013 in Bloomington (3) Common collaboration with relevant theorists: eg Rodolfo Sassot during PHENIX SpinFest 2014 (4) Share seminars and lectures on related topics. (5) Workshop on Gluon Spin in the Proton in 2008 in Urbana Δg(x) from global QCD analysis of pp, SIDIS, DIS and e+e- data Measurement of e+e- hadron multiplicities Belle-Perdekamp Measurement of SIDIS hadron multiplicities HERMES-Makins QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015

6 GPD Nucleon 3D - Structure Synergy: (1) SIDS + e + e -  transversity extraction. (2) Develop new experiments -> COMPASS to tests TMD framework (3) Spin Symposium 2016 (jointly organized with Indiana) will be held at UIUC in 2016 Seaquest-Makins&Peng μp COMPASS-Riedl&Makins excl. πp &Peng&Perdekamp DY DY QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015

7 Nuclear Effects in Nucleon Structure Drell-Yan on C, W, Fe SeaQuest-Makins&Peng Synergy: (1)SeaQuest Drell-Yan informs COMPASS & ATLAS efforts (2)Share access to expert collaborators between experiments. (3) Pion and proton induced DY complement each other in projecting out quark and anti-quark distributions A-dependence of parton distributions Saturation physics Drell_Yan in pPb ATLAS-Perdekamp Drell-Yan on Al, W COMPASS- Peng&Makins Jet FF in pPb ATLAS-Sickles QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015

8 Studying the QGP Synergy: (1)Share knowledge on jet reconstruction (2)Collaborate on event generators (3)Share access to expert collaborators between experiments (4)Common workshops, visitors and seminars. Jet Fragmentation Functions, Jet modification Drell-Yan in pPb ATLAS-Perdekamp Drell-Yan on nuclear targets COMPASS&SeaQuest Makins&Peng Jet FF in pPb, PbPb ATLAS-Sickles sPHENIX-Sickles Jets, FF Belle-Perdekamp QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015

9 9 Synergy in Experimental Technique Scintillator Hodoscopes HERMES, SeaQuest, PHENIX (NTC+RPC-3) Electromagnetic Calorimeters BNL g-2, FNAL g-2, PHENIX MPC, sPHENIX Cryogenics G0, nEDM Vacuum G0, nEDM Wire Chambers TRIUMPH Jet-Chamber, BNL g-2 traceback, PHENIX RPC test stand, muSun TPC, COMPASS DC5 RPCs PHENIX W-trigger, EIC psTOF Expertise provided through NPL technical personnel and/or senior scientific personnel Cryogenics G0, nEDM EMCs BNL g-2, PHENIX MPC, FNAL g-2, sPHENIX PMTs DayaBay, Lund RPCs PHENIX W-trigger, EIC psTOF R&D Scintillator Hodoscopes HERMES, PHENIX NTC & RPC-3, MuLan, SeaQuest Superconducting magnets G0, g-2 Vacuum G0, nEDM, g-2 Wire Chambers TRIUMF Jet-Chamber, g-2 trace-back chambers, RPC test stand drift chambers, muSun TPC, COMPASS DC5 QCD: Physics and Experimental Program January 12 th, 2015

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