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1. The term of “ACS” means: (A) Acute cholecystitis symptom (B) Abnormal cerebral signal (C) Abdominal contusion syndrome (D) Acute coronary syndrome.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The term of “ACS” means: (A) Acute cholecystitis symptom (B) Abnormal cerebral signal (C) Abdominal contusion syndrome (D) Acute coronary syndrome."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The term of “ACS” means: (A) Acute cholecystitis symptom (B) Abnormal cerebral signal (C) Abdominal contusion syndrome (D) Acute coronary syndrome

2 2.The most common etiology of coronary artery disease (CAD) is: (A)Embolization (B)Vasospasm (C)Atherosclerosis (D)Arteritis

3 3.Current medical treatment of ACS included the followings, except: (A)Mono-antiplatelet therapy (B)β-blocker (C)Statin (D)Anticoagulant

4 4. A 50 y/o male ACS patient presented with heart failure, how soon should he receive the coronary angiographic study: (A)Urgent (<2h) (B)Early invasive strategy (<24h) (C)An invasive strategy (<72h) (D)An conservative strategy (>72h)


6 1. The term of “ACS” means: (A) Acute cholecystitis symptom (B) Abnormal cerebral signal (C) Abdominal contusion syndrome (D) Acute coronary syndrome

7 2.The most common etiology of coronary artery disease (CAD) is: (A)Embolization (B)Vasospasm (C)Atherosclerosis (D)Arteritis

8 3.Current medical treatment of ACS included the followings, except: (A)Mono-antiplatelet therapy (B)β-blocker (C)Statin (D)Anticoagulant

9 4. A 50 y/o male ACS patient presented with heart failure, how soon should he receive the coronary angiographic study: (A)Urgent (<2h) (B)Early invasive strategy (<24h) (C)An invasive strategy (<72h) (D)An conservative strategy (>72h)

10 5.Will you apply to be a CV fellow in the future? (A)Yes (B)No

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