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Comment on ”Agricultural markets and co- operatives: the position of producer co- operatives in the food chain” Perttu Pyykkönen Pellervo Economic Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Comment on ”Agricultural markets and co- operatives: the position of producer co- operatives in the food chain” Perttu Pyykkönen Pellervo Economic Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comment on ”Agricultural markets and co- operatives: the position of producer co- operatives in the food chain” Perttu Pyykkönen Pellervo Economic Research Institute Finnish Co-operative Movement 110 Years: Celebratory Conference Helsinki School of Economics, September 24-25, 2009

2 Presentations to be commented Cooperative agri-business in Central Europe – members’ involvement Professor Gert van Dijk, University of Wageningen, Holland Internalization of food markets and its effect on producer cooperatives Adjunct Professor Petri Ollila, University of Helsinki

3 PeriodFarmersManufacturerWholesalerRetailersConsumers -1900DominantMinorMajor in Few trades Very minor 1900- 1950 DecliningDominantMajor in Few trades Minor 1960- 1970 MinorDominant Minor 1980- 2000 Very minor DecliningRapidly declining Dominant FutureDominant? Source: C. von Schirach-Szmigiel, Unilever Board Member Intensifying producer-consumer relation, the role of coops?

4 Important markets 1. Home market (especially own country) 2. EU inner market 3. Third countries market

5 Coops have become very large  Do the members any more feel coops as their own firms?  Are they too far away from members’ own business?


7 Some questions that arose: Equal price for every member? Can the coops take care of the ”best producers/members”? Coops possibilities better with contracts and special services? Competition between coops? Are the coop principles regional, national or global? ”Semi coops”?

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