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A Campus Update Thursday, February 11, 2016. Professor of Communication – since 2000 UW-Madison graduate Department Head, Vice Provost, LAS Dean, Interim.

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Presentation on theme: "A Campus Update Thursday, February 11, 2016. Professor of Communication – since 2000 UW-Madison graduate Department Head, Vice Provost, LAS Dean, Interim."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Campus Update Thursday, February 11, 2016

2 Professor of Communication – since 2000 UW-Madison graduate Department Head, Vice Provost, LAS Dean, Interim Chancellor Family is part of university and community Who Is This Woman?

3 Santa Barbara, CA Today’s Forecast: High Temperature: 80 Low Temperature: 52 Precipitation: 0

4 No Boundaries

5 #3 “Graduates best able to succeed.” (Wall Street Journal) #7 “World’s Most Innovative Public Universities” (Reuters) #7 “Universities producing the best startup talent.” (Tech.Co) #10 “Top Universities Producing VC-Backed Entrepreneurs” (Pitchbook) #11 “National Public Universities” (US News) #15 “Universities most likely to land you a job in Silicon Valley.” (Business Insider) World Class University

6 7,565 Freshmen – 2 nd largest class ever 33,000 undergraduates, 44,000 total ~13,000 degrees awarded annually Largest undergraduate provider in Illinois Among top 10 in doctoral degrees in nation Top Education: Unmatched Scale

7 Athletic Director Search Bringing in Fall 2016 Class State Budget Carle Illinois College of Medicine Current Campus Priorities

8 Important hire for the campus Search committee working Hope to make announcement soon Athletic Director Search

9 Tuition = single largest revenue source Size and composition of class is important Record number of applicants - ~38,000 Offered admission to ~22,000 Aiming for freshman class of ~7,500 Bringing in the Next Class

10 Applications up across board over 2015 37,876 total – 11% increase 18,203 Illinois residents – 9% increase 2,431 African Americans – 18% increase 3,793 Latina/o – 19% increase 10,269 international – 13% increase Applications at a Glance

11 Uncertainty abounds Operating from limited cash reserves Limiting discretionary spending Asking units to prepare budget plan with cuts ranging from 3% - 9% Need to get some kind of clarity to plan State Budget Update

12 First college built at the intersection of engineering and medicine Partnership with Carle – fueled by $100 million investment Formally approved in summer First new college here in 60+ years Carle Illinois College of Medicine

13 Moving ahead quickly Plan to enroll first class in fall of 2018 Dean search in progress Curriculum, accreditation efforts underway Fundraising goal of $135 million is priority Community support has been vital Carle Illinois College of Medicine

14 84% return on investment for every state dollar 30,000 full- and part-time jobs Annual payroll exceeds $900 million $920+ million in annual impact from research programs Research portfolio = 7,000 associated jobs U of I = Economic Engine for Illinois

15 Last year ~$155 million in capital projects 3,100 jobs, $150 million payroll, $328 million impact Research Park 1,600 direct jobs, 90 companies $59 million annual payroll Students = 44,000 consumers ~$630 million in annual spending Bring ~$760 million in non-state aid dollars with them U of I = Economic Engine Locally

16 Direct state appropriation only ~12% of total budget But critical – mostly personnel Annual unpredictability very disruptive Recognize state’s fiscal health and understand we share in the solution Criticism of our “administrative” inefficiency is not an accurate story Back to the Budget…

17 IT services reorganization ~$16-24M annual savings Administrative units cutting $20M this year Eliminated ~140 staff positions for budgetary reasons since January 2015 Assessing degree programs Eliminated 7 last year Merged 2 Reviewing 33 low-enrollment programs this year Good Stewards

18 More online master’s and professional programs Encouraging innovative programs like iMBA Expanding online winter and summer session offerings Working with state to reduce regulatory overhead costs Maximize Revenue

19 Flagship for the Next 150 Comprehensive excellence here No accident - result of ~150 years state investment Illinois founded with purpose of serving the state We’ve done a tremendously good job Sustaining excellence for next 150 needs state support Decline in University of Illinois hurts all of us

20 Share our story Work your personal networks Legislative Leaders, Staffers, Governor’s Office Join Illinois Connection ( Need everyone to be advocates Will You Help?

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