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Home Circuit Gym Joshua Hudson Tech and Asses. Agility Ladders Dimensions are usually 15 feet by 20 inches Agility ladders are used to increase ones balance,

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1 Home Circuit Gym Joshua Hudson Tech and Asses

2 Agility Ladders Dimensions are usually 15 feet by 20 inches Agility ladders are used to increase ones balance, footwork, coordination, and strength through various workouts. You can make your own agility ladders with duct tape and with wood. It would cost you all but nothing. Various online websites have agility ladders anywhere from $17-$70. Agility Ladders

3 Various Workouts Here are various workouts that you can perform in your circuit gym. Remember to keep good tight posture. Keep your arms at a 90 degree angles. Push through with explosiveness and power through! For beginners I recommend single runs. Try those a few times and increase your pace and time yourself before moving onto a more difficult workout like the Icky shuffle or in and outs.

4 Ab Cruncher Do you want toned abs? Then try the Yukon Ab crunch machine! Very comfortable and adjustable seat that will get your core stronger in no time! Up to 200 pounds of free weights to use on the machine. Cost $329 I would buy this item because having a strong core gives you support and balance for other body parts and workouts. It is important to work your abs daily or every other day.

5 34"L x 29"W x 51"H Capacity - 200 lbs Weight - 85 lbs Slide 5 The object is to have resistance on your abs. While crunching downward you want enough weight to where it hurts and burns in your core. Start out with light weight and increase as you see fit.

6 Bench Press and Weights To increase your strength, chest, and arm size you want to have a bench press in your gym. With the bench press you are able to bench flat, incline, and decline. Strength Training Equipment Adjustable Bench Press Weight Set 100 lbs Home Gym gives you 100 pound weight set. 5 position pad to adjust your chest workout. The barbell weighs as much as a standard or mid size one. Also it includes a leg workout, which is very important. Very good for starters and people who want to get stronger!

7 Slide 7 Having a bench press is very important. You can work out your chest, legs, abs and even dips if you lay the seat down. As well as barbell curls for your biceps. Many workouts for $179.87, as well as squatting. Which is one of the most important workouts. Legs hold everything together. If you take the barbell and add weights and squat properly you are on your way to becoming a really fit person!

8 Treadmill Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill has 4 quick and different workouts modes and apps with speeds up to 10 mph. Walking, jogging, running, and sprinting are very important as a warm up, or a hour long run, and a cool down. Personally I use the treadmill 3-4 days a week and I workout 5-6 days a week. I like to run before my workout to get my body warmed up and blood flowing. Treadmill

9 Weslo Crosswalk 5.2t Treadmill For $325 this is a basic treadmill, spending $600 and more is redundant. All you need is a platform that is comfortable, different moderations of speed and space to place your treadmill. This is a good price and will be a great addition to your home circuit gym. You are able to perform short workouts or long workouts with a treadmill. The great thing is with a home gym and treadmill you can workout and run while the weather is bad.

10 Jump Rope and Medicine Ball To burn a lot of calories and get fit you need to have high pace mini workouts. Mixed with strength training and lifting heavy weights. Focusing on just cardio, or weight lifting, and just small circuit workouts will not put your body into shape. One of my favorite exercises are jumping rope and various workouts with medicine balls. Jump rope is predominately used as a warm up or in a middle of a cycle workout. Gets the blood flowing and heart pumping, you do not need the most expensive jump rope but I do recommend buying two.

11 Jump Rope and Medicine Ball Medicine ball comes in various weight and sizes. The shape is always the same but there a few variations of weight class. As low as 2 lbs all the way up to 300 lbs. Now I do not know anyone that would spend the money to buy a 300 pound medicine ball, but besides the point they are used for cross fit training and ab workouts.

12 Cost of medicine balls and jump ropes Two regular jump ropes $14.95 each Cost of medicine balls and jump ropesCost of medicine balls and jump ropes For medicine balls I would buy 3 of whatever weight you most feel comfortable with 10 lb. medicine ball $19.99 15 lb. medicine ball $24.99 6 lb. medicine ball $19.99 Cost of medicine balls and jump ropesCost of medicine balls and jump ropes

13 Goals Remember to try out the equipment before buying it Be safe when lifting weights and working out at a high pace You can have small intervals of workouts with these 5 different stations Two-five minute interval with a 30-45 second break when you are in shape Have fun and get fit!

14 Total Cost $55 agility ladder $329 ab cruncher $179.87 bench press $325 treadmill $14.95 jump rope x 2 $19.99 medicine ball x 2 $24.99 medicine ball $983.74 would be the total cost for your home circuit gym!

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